Dr. Finnerty's online appointment scheduler

Please do NOT schedule an exam appointment unless you intend to schedule an examination with Dr. Finnerty (for example, scheduling an exam is not needed for a nexus letter based just on a records review). Please do not schedule an appointment for a records review. The cost of an examination with Dr. Finnerty can be found here. Dr. Finnerty does not accept insurance.

If you need to speak with Dr. Finnerty for questions there may be some free 15 minute or less phone call appointment slots available- these are NOT for examinations such as completing a DBQ, they are just for quick consultations related to whether or not Dr. Finnerty can help. You are also welcome to send an email to Dr. Finnerty. If you are concerned about the privacy of email let Dr. Finnerty know and he can add an encryption option to the email exchanges using Microsoft 365 encryption.

Scheduling an evaluation

When appointments are available they will appear in Dr. Finnerty's Microsoft Bookings link to schedule an exam appointment.

When you're in the online scheduler be sure to click the service at the top first and then it will load in the available dates and times in the calendar below. You can then click on a bold date to see the times- they will be available at the right (for an exam it will most likely say 11:00AM or 1:00PM and you can click on your choice of time). Then add your details on the bottom. Appointments are generally only available around three to six months in advance of the appointment time.

Please note: health insurance typically doesn't cover one-time examinations for forensic/legal/disability-claim reasons or educational purposes (ex: IQ testing).

If you can't make the appointment or need to reschedule

Dr. Finnerty often does not have enough appointment slots available for all of the Veterans or others who may need an exam. If it turns out you can't make the appointment or need to reschedule PLEASE LET Dr. Finnerty know ASAP so that he can let another Veteran or other individual who needs the spot get a spot. Thank you! If you are a Veteran in need of an examination and Dr. Finnerty has limited or no availability, you may be able to find another psychologist on this list here.
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